Zappa Hour 7 – Thing-Fish & Them Or Us

Bob Dobbs and guests explore Frank Zappa’s scripts, including Thing-Fish and Them Or Us. They also explore the forces that shaped Zappa’s work, and how his work shaped art and society.

Bob Dobbs is a Zappa researcher and McLuhan scholar. He is joined by regular contributors Roxana Flores Larrainzar and Bert Hill.

Recorded December 5, 2015

00:00:00 – Introduction

00:08:01 – Universal Spin

00:14:01 – Marshall McLuhan & Media

00:17:49 – Artists & The Vortex

00:29:03 – Postmodern Communication Theory

00:40:37 – James Joyce & Finnegans Wake

01:04:12 – Monster Magnet & ‘Unplugged’

01:10:07 – Posthumous Personalities

01:16:42 – Tim Carey / World’s Greatest Sinner

01:26:39 – Film & TV’s Influence

01:37:08 – Vorticism and Joycean Themes

01:51:22 – The Cosmic Vortex

02:06:06 – Media & Technology

02:16:00 – Acoustic vs Tactile Space

02:23:26 – Art, Perception, & Vortices

02:37:16 – LaRouche’s Geometry

02:45:38 – Quantum Reality

02:53:00 – Culture Shaping Reality

03:01:43 – Military-Industrial-Entertainment Complex

03:09:05 – Theodor Adorno

03:16:57 – Dancing at Zappa Concerts

03:19:02 – Pop Culture

03:27:02 – Navigating the Cultural Vortex

03:50:06 – Reaction to “Freak Out”

04:00:11 – Composers & Philosophers

04:15:23 – Global Theater & Social Change

04:42:50 – Journalism, Criticism, and Survival

04:52:17 – Walter Benjamin

05:00:49 – Zappa’s 179 Influences

05:12:36 – Doo-Wop

05:20:59 – Early-Life Music Influences

05:49:05 – Them Or Us Book

06:12:18 – Postmodern & Paramodern

06:20:18 – Chapter 9 of Them or Us

06:37:04 – “Concentrated Technological Ignorance”

06:42:15 – High vs Pop Culture

06:52:51 – The Evil Prince’s Plot

07:03:04 – Allegory of Zappa’s Charade

07:09:44 – Kingfish & Black Stereotypes

07:23:30 – Thing Fish & AIDS Conspiracy

07:37:41 – Technological Ignorance

07:41:59 – Colonial Exploitation & Conspiracies

07:44:09 – Reality TV & Moral Decay

07:55:21 – Racial Identity & Societal Roles

07:59:00 – Televangelism

08:03:40 – Harry’s Sexuality

08:07:02 – Recap of Thing-Fish so Far

08:12:17 – Social Commentary

08:17:49 – The American Dream

08:24:00 – Nativity Scene

08:30:10 – Hawaiian Lunch

08:34:47 – Francesca’s Offer

08:37:30 – The Evil Prince

08:46:39 – Harry’s Degradation

08:49:06 – Theatrical Humiliation

08:51:58 – Thing-Fish Conclusion

08:52:40 – Symbolism and Satire

08:59:57 – Vortex and Reality

09:11:49 – Integration of Art, Media & Science

09:17:46 – Final Thoughts


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