Did Zappa complete Finnegans Wake?

Bob and Ben probe how thinkers like Joyce, Marx, and McLuhan viewed society. It explores how their ideas relate to modern issues. It is suggested that Zappa’s musical project/object was the completion of what James Joyce tried to realize with Finnegans Wake, and even a claim that Finnegans Wake foresaw the atomic bomb.

Bob Dobbs is a McLuhan Scholar and Zappa researcher.
Ben Watson is the author of Frank Zappa: The Negative Dialectics of Poodle Play.

0:00 – Introduction to Dante, Joyce, and Radio Discussions
Bob and Ben reunite and discuss a recent radio show, Dante’s influence on the Christian Church, and Joyce’s resentment towards it.

0:51 – Joyce, Hell, and Religious Influence
A detailed look at James Joyce’s perspective on hell, the Catholic Church’s impact on young minds, and previous literary works.

1:53 – Contrasting Views: Marx, McLuhan, and Zappa
A deep dive into the distinct views of Karl Marx, Marshall McLuhan, and Frank Zappa, especially in relation to religion, literature, and societal interpretations.

4:46 – Money, Medievalism, and Modern Society
Exploring medievalism’s significance, the role of money in today’s world, and the critique of modern society’s reliance on materialism.

6:53 – Politics, Capitalism, and Universalism
Defining political positions, Marx’s criticisms, the ongoing postal strike’s relevance, and the connection of everyday actions to the global capitalist system.

14:05 – Zappa’s Global Influence and ’60s Shift
Frank Zappa’s international vision, global impact of pop music, and the changing perceptions from the ’60s to the present day due to evolving media.

17:22 – Enlightenment, Media, and Cultural Effects
Discussing the value and criticism of the Enlightenment, the role of media in shaping perceptions, and the significance of considering broader cultural influences.

23:59 – McLuhan’s Media Insights and Universal Art Values
McLuhan’s perspectives on media dominance, the idea of audio-visual collages, and the significance of universal values in art and communication.

26:42 – Evolving Media, Artistry, and Influential Figures
Comparing Joyce, McLuhan, Zappa, and Marx in media versatility, theatre’s impact, and the shifting perspectives on once-counter-cultural figures.

34:03 – Theater, Marx, and Performance Authenticity
Exploring theater’s historical and modern significance, dissecting Marx’s “Capital,” and discussing the concept of authentic performance in daily life and the arts.

40:06 – Representation, Capitalism, and Film Essence
Understanding the allure of systems like capitalism, the essence and immersive experience of film, and the advocacy for breaking traditional movie-watching habits.

47:01 – Money, Artistic Rupture, and Rock ‘n’ Roll in Print
Delving into money as a dominant medium, the political implications of artistic rupture, and the musicality of Finnegans Wake likened to rock ‘n’ roll.

58:22 – Finnegans Wake’s Prophetic Insights
Exploring the belief that James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake” predicted the advent of the atomic bomb and the intertwining of literature with historical foresight and global events.

Recorded November 11, 2009


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