Bob and Ben explore the idea that we are living in the midst of a “global strike” that is happening everywhere, with people constantly entering and exiting it.

This “global strike” suggests the collective action and unification of diverse groups worldwide to challenge and disrupt established systems, particularly capitalism. It signifies a unified resistance against prevailing societal norms, emphasizing the power of collective consensus to effect change. The “global strike” is not limited to labor or traditional strikes but represents a broader movement of people from various backgrounds coming together to confront dominant structures and advocate for a more equitable world.

0:00 – Intro

0:36 – The Depths of Menippean Satire
Diving into Eric McLuhan’s Menippean satire, they explore digression in works like “Finnegans Wake” and the paradox of aiming without direct focus.

1:42 – Superstars: Evolution and Impact
They explore McLuhan’s perspectives on superstars, discussing the historical and current relevance of the term “star” in a commercial society.

5:04 – Analyzing Art: From Stars to Stage
Discussion ranges from the play “Enemy of the Stars” to introspection on celebrity culture, emphasizing the artist-audience dynamic and the artist’s societal role.

12:25 – Music, Sound, and Exploration
From appreciating Iancu Dumitrescu’s compositions to critiquing electronic instruments, they delve into sound’s transition from art to a scientific realm in the digital age.

16:03 – Art, Effects, and Formal Understanding
They debate the balance between studying artwork’s effects versus personal experiences, highlighting the importance of understanding artwork’s formal properties.

19:21 – Art, Politics, and Value Perspectives
Marx’s view on value creation is explored alongside the role of criticism in art, emphasizing genuine critique and the universal desire for authenticity in experiences.

26:01 – Universality in Communication
The dialogue oscillates between the personal and the universal, underscoring the importance of striving for universality in communication and understanding.

27:09 – Strikes: Power and Politics
The power of mass strikes, revolutionary politics, and the transformative nature of strikes disrupt the typical money exchange, favoring a communal approach.

30:15 – Socialism, Literature, and Media Engagement
Defining socialism through community-driven organization, they discuss “Finnegan’s Wake” and challenge media influence through artistic endeavors like newspaper art projects.

38:19 – Revolution, Modernism, and Political Navigation
The balance between modernist ideas and revolutionary goals is explored, touching on the potential for mass strikes in England and challenges within political movements.

41:25 – Media, Entertainment, and Soundscapes
Apocalyptic themes in media like “2012” are dissected, discussing entertainment’s societal role and contrasting it with the disruptive potential of art and community radio.

46:04 – Boundaries, Dialogues, and Capitalist Influences
The conversation spans the fragmentation of interests, the importance of dialogue, capitalism’s duality, and the fluidity of boundaries in a world of shifting perspectives.

Recorded December 30, 2009


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