Zappa Hour 10 – How Rock Changed Culture

Bob Dobbs and guests explore the changes that rock music caused across culture and society through the perspectives of Frank Zappa and media scientist Marshall McLuhan.

Bob Dobbs is a Zappa researcher and McLuhan scholar. He is joined by regular contributors Roxana Flores Larrainzar and Bert Hill.

Recorded December 26, 2015

00:00:00 – Intro

00:16:06 – Thunders in Literature and Media
The metaphor of ‘thunders’ in the Book of Revelation and Finnegans Wake.

00:33:02 – Zappa, McLuhan, and the Second Coming
Tie-in between the works of McLuhan and Zappa with the concept of the Second Coming.

00:43:14 – Media in Art and Culture
Media its effect on culture and art. How Marshall McLuhan used song lyrics to illustrate the impact of electric media on society, and how Frank Zappa humorously critiqued these changes through his music.

01:14:47 – The Artist in the Electric Age
How rapid technological change has transferred the power of artistic expression from individual artists to the control of collective technological groups.

01:38:10 – Scientism and Antichrist
Zappa and McLuhan challenged the figures of scientism – scientists, intelligence agencies, and advertisers – as the Antichrist.

02:13:40 – How Rock Changed Culture
How rock’s integration into mainstream culture served as a validation of the teenage identity in the ’50s.
How rock back oral traditions and undermined literacy.

03:01:19 – Racial Dynamics in Music
Implications of race in the commercialization of rock music. Covers of black artists’ music by white performers like Pat Boone.

03:10:31 – Post-Rave Culture
The inclusive nature of post-rave culture, where everyone is celebrated regardless of race.

03:12:20 – Corporate Identity
Corporate identity replacing individualism. Changing cultural business practices and advertisements, as reported by Marshall McLuhan and Frank Zappa.

03:20:00 – Zappa’s Musical Influences
Frank Zappa’s list of influences from his album “Freak Out!” and delves into the backgrounds of various musicians and personalities mentioned in the album’s liner notes.

03:31:44 – Zappa’s Influence on Media
Zappa’s attempt to portray his art and presidential ambitions as the perfect crime.

03:33:19 – Social Alienation
Social killing and alienation, specifically how association with fringe figures or ideas can lead to becoming an alienated outsider.

03:42:04 – Zappa’s Views on Fractals
Analysis of an interview with Frank Zappa, specifically his thoughts on fractals and their relationship to his work.


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