Zappa Hour 6 – Hunchentoot & other scripts

Bob Dobbs and guests explore some of Frank Zappa’s scripts, including “Captain Beefheart vs The Grunt People”, Thing-Fish, “Hunchentoot”, and the book Them Or Us. They also probe the broader context of Zappa’s work and how he redefined the role of the composer in the age of electric media.

Bob Dobbs is a Zappa researcher and McLuhan scholar. He is joined by regular contributors Roxana Flores Larrainzar and Bert Hill.

Recorded November 28, 2015

00:00:00 – Introduction

00:05:03 – Frank & Gail’s CIA Connections

00:10:47 – Zappa’s Screenplays

00:18:15 – Zappa – McLuhan Connection

01:07:00 – Wagner’s Influence on Music

01:14:00 – Electric Media Eternity

01:17:50 – Redefining the Role of Composer

01:25:06 – Tetra-menstruation and Predictive Art

01:47:47 – Multimedia Innovations

02:26:08 – Xenochrony and Synclavier

02:47:37 – “Captain Beefheart vs The Grunt People”
– Why Zappa is the Satellite Conductor
– Cucamonga Studio
– Plans to make a movie

03:00:00 – Conceptual Continuity

03:20:00 – Views on Media and Pop Culture

03:37:17 – Impact of Music on Culture and Memory

03:44:17 – Motifs in Zappa’s Work

03:59:07 – Rock & Sexual Liberation

04:06:37 – Zappa’s Theatrical Global Village

04:25:36 – Script Plot and Characters

04:44:18 – Protecting the Free World

04:49:20 – Beefheart’s True Identity

04:53:00 – Orgy on the Lunar Surface

05:04:54 – Thing-Fish – Harry & Rhonda

05:12:06 – Gender Dynamics and Feminism

05:26:19 – The Divine and Post-Human Entities

05:30:17 – Technical Aspects of Music and Performance

05:41:37 – Electronic Music: “Switched-On Bach”

05:53:12 – Audio Engineering Techniques

05:54:47 – “Hunchentoot”

06:20:42 – Themes in Zappa’s Musicals

06:23:37 – Tourism and Urban Dynamics

06:33:40 – Art and Religion

06:43:21 – Them Or Us book

06:46:31 – Zappa’s Early Life and Family

06:50:02 – Theatrical Aspects

06:55:41 – Reincarnation and Time

07:02:17 – Absurdity and Satire

07:19:55 – Conclusion


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