Frank Zappa for President, May 1991 interview

At the time of this interview, Frank Zappa was exploring a run for President of the United States.

KPFA host Charles Amirkhanian and Frank Zappa talk world politics and culture in May 1991.

Zappa, tones down his presidential run idea but not his critiques of censorship and politics. The show kicks off with Eastern European rock and folk music, reflecting Zappa’s global music interests. They chat about Zappa’s Synclavier work. Zappa then takes calls, discussing topics like politician evaluations, his song misused by the White Aryan Resistance, rumored Reagan scandal, and his views on drug use and decriminalization.

00:00:00 – Intro

00:01:17 – Political Ambitions and Ventures
Zappa’s potential presidential run and focus on music, highlighting his roles as a composer, guitarist, and inventor.

00:02:00 – Czechoslovakia and Collaborations
Zappa discusses global music interests and interactions with Václav Havel and Czech musician Michael Kocab.

00:05:08 – World Music and Sampling
Zappa’s world music interests, notably Georgian folk, and innovative Synclavier Digital Synthesizer sampling.

00:11:39 – Composition Processes
Evolving sound samples, blending instruments over time, and challenges with changing technology.

00:16:35 – Self Assessment of His Current Work
Zappa contemplates the significance of his current instrumental work in comparison to his 25-year body of work.

00:17:07 – Frank Zappa on Censorship and FCC Regulations
Zappa’s views on censorship and the Federal Appeals Court ruling on the FCC’s indecent broadcast ban.

00:18:03 – Censorship and Political Pressure
Debate over the term “indecent” under right-wing administrations, funding cuts to the National Endowment for the Arts.

00:19:22 – Potential Political Ambitions
Returning to original constitutional guarantees and neglect of constitutional rights by officials.

00:20:25 – Government Involvement in the Arts
Government funding for the arts and proposals like tax exemptions for artists.

00:23:48 – Questions from a Magazine Caller
Call with Society Pages Magazine about admired politicians and concerns over copyright lawsuits with Michael Jackson.

00:26:44 – Impressions of Politicians
Congressman Tom Lantos’ performance during the HUD scandal.

00:28:03 – Confrontation with White Aryan Resistance
Misappropriation of a song title by the White Aryan Resistance and a possible class action lawsuit.

00:29:33 – Videotape Scandal
A scandalous videotape involving political figures.

00:31:30 – Political Engagement and Views on Drugs
Zappa discusses political engagement criteria, stance on drug decriminalization, and industrial benefits of marijuana.

00:33:15 – Social Drinking
Social drinking and its negative effects, preferring not to engage in it personally.

00:34:01 – Political Commentary and Running for President
A caller’s concerns about Zappa’s political safety and effectiveness if he runs for president, with Zappa’s humorous response.

00:34:47 – Music Production
Technical talk on music production and the Synclavier.

00:37:31 – Hometown Caller
A caller from Zappa’s past hometown inquires about his work and family’s musical endeavors.

00:39:43 – Political Integrity and Influence
Potential integrity and influence challenges if Frank became president.

00:47:00 – Zappa’s Orchestral Music Endeavors
Challenges with orchestras, and upcoming compositions for Ensemble Modern in Frankfurt.

00:52:27 – New Releases and Upcoming Projects
Zappa shares details about upcoming music releases and inspirations.

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Originally aired as “Ode To Gravity: Frank Zappa: World Affairs Commentator Part II” on KPFA.
Air date: 1991-05-21


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